Enough of That
Monday, August 18, 2008
CALL Website Evaluation

Website: www.rong-chang.com

ESL – English as a Second Language

Question 1

This website claims to be a starting point for ESL learners who want to start learning the language online. From the exercises and the content, it is deduced that the proficiency level of the target user ranges possibly from the beginner to intermediate level. This basically means that anyone between those levels of proficiency in the english language and who has basic knowledge of how to use the computer and internet is a target user.

Question 2

There are many features of the website which users can utilise to learn. The website provides short stories at the low intermediate level. These stories are preceded by exercises for listening, grammar, comprehension and dictation. So basically, users are expected to read those stories and do the exercises. Some exercises are multiple choice, but there are also crosswords and open ended questions to be answered. Other than that, The website provides some content in terms of pronunciation and such for users.

Question 3

Basic computer skills actually suffice in most cases. However, in some of the exercises which involve dictation or audio materials, users should know how to download files from the internet and install certain programmes. For this website, users are required to install the RealMedia programme in order to play its audio materials. Other than that, no additional computer skills are necessary.

Question 4

The website is comprised mostly of basic English exercises, including some crossword puzzles or two. Most of these types of execises have been done in class before. I actually am reminded of school where we had to complete multiple choice exercises and comprehension questions and later on check the answers with the teacher.

However, there is one aspect of the website that is quite unique to me. There is a feature in which the user gets to practice their conversational skills by “speaking” or “chatting” to robots. It is a very interactive “programme” where the topic of conversation is given and the user is required to talk to the robot about that particular topic (i.e: getting assistance to buy a sweater – the robot plays the part of a shop assistant). I haven’t really done anything like this and have not really come across anything like it throughout my school years.

Question 5

I am of the opinion that the website is best used in a classroom with a teacher or a guide at hand. Yes, I did mention earlier that the user does not need much to use the website. However, I’ve always had the opinion that it is always better to have someone who is knowledgeable in the language as well as the programme you are about to use. Sure, the website can be used individually, without a teacher, but AT BEST, it should be used with the presence of someone with authority.

Question 6

I would say that there are elements of Communicative Language Teaching in this website. I realise that there will be questions of how learning something through the internet can be regarded as communicative, but going back to the Robot interactive feature of the website, I would say that this theory definitely applies since the conversation that takes place is not just limited to the subject, the robot will pretty much respond to most subjects that the user tries to bring up.

Another theory that definitely applies to this website is the Cognitive theory. As we know, the cognitive approach includes drilling exercises. This website does contain a lot of exercises where the user has to answer similar questions again and again and I think this constitutes drilling.

Question 7

Honestly, I don’t think the two theories are applied much. For one thing, the Constructivist theory claims that the culture and background of the learner is very important in their acquisition of language. In this website, there is a portion dedicated to pronunciation of proper nouns. This part is very much culture specific. Most of the names and the content is limited to things that you can find in the United States of America. Also, I’m not sure how I can relate this website to Vygotsky. True, that some parts of the website is very interactive, however, I don’t think even that part of it can take the place of a facilitator or an instructor, which basically means no scaffolding.

As for Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences, I see no signs of that either. The website is mostly content and exercise and there are no inclusions of music or mathematics and such. With that, I conclude that this website does not apply any of the two theories at all.

Question 8

Before I answer this question, let me repeat what I wrote in question 5. It is always better to have someone of authority present when one is trying to learn something new. I am of the opinion that computers and robots, no matter how intelligent, can never replace a teacher. I’ve always thought that the human aspects of a teacher is really important in learning and this is something the computer, with its rigid information, can never give out. No matter how humanlike the programmers make it sound or seem, it still cannot beat real human emotions.

Yes, I did say that the “conversation with a robot” feature is very close to human interaction, but in reality, it simply isn’t. The website can tell me that I did a good job when I answer all of the questions right, but it’s very different from when a teacher, beaming, tells me that I did something good. The “robot” of Artificial Intelligence in the website can “interact” with me but it can’t laugh at my jokes or inspire me the way a teacher does.

Based on all that, I would definitely say that the computer is merely an obedient servant to students, never a replacement for teachers.

Question 9

Honestly, I don’t think I would, aside from the Artificial Intelligence conversation parts. For one thing, I don’t really like the layout of the website. I would say that although sometimes, colours and patterns can be distracting, I think that sometimes we do need those, simply for motivation. At least, I like to see organization when it comes to learning. When I click on a website like that, I get disoriented because it is very messy. Sure, the exercises and content is fine to me, but it is just not very easy on the eyes. I think I can find other websites with similar exercises but with a neater and nicer layout. Yes, I do judge books by their covers. With that, I am sure you are wondering why I chose this website to evaluate. It was simple: I loved the interactivity of the Practice Speaking with Robots section.

Question 10

Referring to question 9, I believe that this would be a pretty good website, if only the programmer cared just a little to improve the layout. Give it just a little colour, with better organisation, and most importantly: find some OTHER place to put those Google ads besides right smack in the middle of the page. It is an eyesore.

Also, I would suggest that the website be less culture specific. What the author seemed to forget to take into account was that not only people who migrated to America wanted to learn English. English is spoken worldwide and not everybody knows or cares what the names of the past American Presidents are or how to pronounce them.

There are many exercises in the website, but in terms of content, it is only so-so. Therefore, I think the website would be better if the author would increase the content just a little.

Done by:

Azurin Bt Abd Rahim




posted by Zurin @ 2:23 PM  
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