Enough of That
Monday, September 15, 2008
In-CLass Task: Hypertext & Hypermedia

Gandhi was born in Porbandar, India, on October 2nd 1869. His father died when he was still a teenager. At the age of 13 he married Kasturba Gandhi who was three years younger and the marriage lasts for 62 years until her death in 1944.

As a young man Gandhi left India to study law in London. Then he spent two decades working in South Africa securing rights for Indian expatriates. It was during this time that his political reform through non-violence which he called Satyagraha was born. This movement meant resistance of tyranny through mass civil disobedience, firmly founded upon ahimsa, total non violence, which led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. This way, when he returned to India, Mohandas Gandhi emerged as a political and religious leader in the fight for independence from Great Britain and was accorded the country's Father of the Nation. India freed itself from Britain on August 15th, 1947. Five months later, on January 25th, 1948 Gandhi was shot by a conservative Hindu.
posted by Zurin @ 2:47 PM   1 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
AE Deadlines
Just a reminder for myself (and everyone else)

Chapters 1 - 3 18th September (according to my supervisor)
Chapters 1 - 5 26th September
(spiral bound)
Chapters 1 - 5 17th October
(final, complete bound copy)

Anyone out there still stuck on the first few chapters like I am? :(

As for the results form which has been distributed, (for those who didn't understand the explanations) this is what you should do:
  1. Get the form, from either me, Saiful or Cherane
  2. Sign the OTHER form under the column 5th of September. You don't get to keep this one.
  3. Give the form to your supervisor
  4. Hand in your chapters 1 to 3 by the 18th
  5. Ask them to fill in your results for chapters 1, 2 and 3
  6. Get it back from them before the 22nd
  7. On the 22nd, be at the library discussion room (ground floor) from 2 - 3pm to hand it in PERSONALLY to Madam Lim. This is important because you have to sign the other form (refer to no. 2) again to verify that you really did hand it in.
If you know of anyone who has yet to obtain said form, please ask them to get it a.s.a.p.


posted by Zurin @ 2:26 PM   0 comments

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