Enough of That
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Lesson Plan

Level: Form 4
TIme: 1 hour

Aims: To identify differences between fast food advertisement pictures and the real products and to use creativity and language to make up own spoof advertisements

Technical requirements: One computer per pair of students with an internet connection, web browser and MS Paint

1. Web page Fast Food: Ads vs Reality (http://www.thewvsr.com/adsvsreality.htm)

2. Prepare a sample spoof advertisement as a basis or guideline for students


1. Ask students to name some of the famous fast food outlets in Malaysia and recall how advertisement captions are written

2. Have a discussion on whether pictures in ads and menus are the same as the finished product, get a tally of how many students have felt cheated by pictures in advertisements before

3. Show students website, get them to discuss the differences between ads and real pictures

4. Show students prepared spoof ad with caption

5. Get each pair to create own spoof ads with creative captions to explain product. They can either use the advertisement pictures, the real pictures or both, or get their own from other websites. Ads can be created using MS Paint.

6. Get each pair to present their ads

Follow up

Students are to write an essay describing how advertisements are used to lure consumers into buying products.


posted by Zurin @ 5:58 PM  
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